Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bicycle Illinois Day 3 - Centralia to Effingham

Ride Stats - Day 3:

Distance: 107.16 Miles
Time: 7:43:19
Avg: 13.88 MPH

Since Rob Layton was nice enough to route the course through my county today, I had all of the Bicycle Illinois participants over to County Hall for a big party and lots of gambling (hence my jersey choice today). A good time was had by all and then after we finished, I outlawed gambling for the rest of my citizens forever! It's good to be the king! :)

Butt Butter! I don't mean to be so blunt, but it saved me today. Now I know some of you are saying "Hey Gary - you've been cycling for six years. Haven't you used chamois (butt) butter before?" The answer would be a resounding no! Let me explain. When I ride a one day century event, I usually don't start getting sore until the very end of the ride. Since I usually would not ride the very next day, the soreness goes away. Problem solved! But the boys were not happy after Monday's ride. And I was not looking forward to today's ride. Enter Liz to the rescue! She gave me a tube of chamois butter and I used it at every rest stop. I felt TREMENDOUS! Needless to say, I will never, EVER participate in a ride without "the butter"!

Today our lunch stop was in Edgewood, IL. Some of the fine citizens of that town came out and provided delicious homemade cookies, carrot cake, zucchini bread cake and ice cold bottled water in addition to the lunch provided by Bicycle Illinois. They couldn't have been more friendly! In the front row from left to right is your humble blogger with my riding partners Mary, Peggy, Erin and two of the Edgewood residents. In the back row on the far left is Bicycle Illinois staff member Meredith Jump with the other four Edgewood residents who came out and provided the delicious treats for us cyclists.

I am having the time of my life with this tour! I set a milestone today with completing a 100 mile bike ride on two successive days. I hope to make it three with our ride to Champaign tomorrow. Until then.....

Car Up! :)


  1. Glad to read you are having the time of your life and that you are King of Clay County - who new. As always hoping the wind is at your back. Big "HI" to all your new friends. Miss You!!!!!

  2. i like this. photo makes me smile ...i love when my name appears on a street sign...not sure what that is all about...but it is nice to feel like you have a space in this big world.

    great blog. great job Gary!
